Combine classification models into an ensemble
top = 3,
seed_rank = 1,
rfe = FALSE,
sequential = FALSE
a splendid_model
data frame with rows as samples, columns as features
true/reference class vector used for supervised learning
the number of highest-performing algorithms to retain for ensemble
random seed used for reproducibility in rank aggregation of ensemble algorithms
logical; if TRUE
, run Recursive Feature Elimination as a feature
selection method for "lda", "rf", and "svm" algorithms.
logical; if TRUE
, a sequential model is fit on the
algorithms that had the best performance with one-vs-all classification.
dat <- iris[, 1:4]
class <- iris$Species
sm <- splendid_model(dat, class, n = 3, algorithms = c("xgboost", "slda"))
se <- splendid_ensemble(sm, dat, class)